In RT Nagar, Cambridge Montessori PreSchool and DayCare invites all parents and curious children to an atmosphere that fosters creativity, inquiry, and learning via the use of an experimental lab. We are Montessori, and we love working with children. The facilities at CMPS Kaggadasapura engage students in a way that keeps the five W’s (Why, Who, Whom, Where, and What) in mind, encouraging them to discover their full potential.
Our teachers are well qualified and equipped with regular training, workshops and assessments which make them efficient in handling the grim situation and spruce up to provide required acumen and resources.
The comprehensive curriculum of our schools provides diverse and stimulating learning experiences that thoughtfully respond to each individual’s unique characteristics and varied learning styles, empowering them to reach their full potential.
Keeping in mind the tender age pf our tiny tots, child safety & security is an upmost priority for us. Our services include well managed 24hrs CCTV access, live Gps tracking, RFID installation and tight security.
Our students get benefits from our learning environment, intrinsically interesting materials and age-appropriate development activities which enhance their creativity, thinking skills and language abilities.
Cambridge Montessori Pre School follows strict hygiene standards. Our schools maintain a high level of cleanliness. Every centre follows standard protocols to ensure the cleanliness of the place and objects.
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What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.
None bigger than early education. Parents know that at Cambridge Motnessori we make it our passion to nurture a sense of discovery.
We at Cambridge Montessori Pre School are always available to help you regarding your doubts or enquiry. You can contact us via email,call or visit our 80ft road, HMT Layout, RT Nagar school.
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